Thursday 5 July 2012

The Pit Stop and the I Run Clan

It was a storm tossed night that the I Run clan set forth, not a night for the faint hearted, the rain had been coming down in torrents and the clouds loomed ominous and brooding all around as they approached their goal. Bereft of their leader, Rosanne, cruelly struck down by malaise days before the confrontation (some say by a congestion of the lungs, others nodded wisely and pointed to an excess  of pleasure in the capitol four days prior) this merry band of red clad warriors stoutly determined to do her proud. And surely the gods of running were smiling on their brave endeavour as approaching their final destination, the clouds parted and mother sun did her best to warm their bones in preparation for the trials ahead. Indeed, a rainbow heralded the start of the conflict; an omen some claimed later, that even nature looked favourably on their efforts.

The goal three laps, 10 kilometres in total, of the circuit known as Croft. Normally reserved for screaming chariots, tonight was a different race, sheer endurance, sweat and indeed tears would see the winners on this day. At the off the Clan rubbed shoulders with the elite of many other clans, it was spotted that not a few of the I Run Clans members were sporting other colours, no matter! We knew who they were, we knew they were of our blood and whatever colours they wore they were still of our kind. The start, too fast in the heat that now enveloped the scene, stretched out the ranks, leaving the elite, on wind fast feet pulling away, yet our doughty warriors stuck to their task. One foot in front of another, they determined to fulfil the task ahead .

Lap one, the clans fast scouts, Craig, Vinny and Megan spied out the land, keeping close eye on the opposition, protecting from the front and laying down the path for the rest to follow. Andy, determined, true, not far behind them – protecting their flanks  and forging the bridgehead for the standard bearers of Phil, Kenny and Steve,. And the rest of us ploughed on, by lap two, all determinedly battling our own inner demons, putting one foot in front of the other, challenging ourselves to keep going – Pauline, Alyson, the Julies and the Margarets all surged on – more and more of the clan, pounding the black tarmac into submission. Izzy without her faithful hound this night ran, as did Jen, Jennifer, Lucy, Kelly, Catherine and Bill, all proudly upholding the tradition of never give in.

By lap three the gaps were beginning to show, yet the brave I Runners never gave up. Determination and in some cases bright red running shoes kept them going, Kas, Maggie, Hamzah, Michelle and Judith each bearing the banner of the clan in front of them as they forced themselves to tread the final yards towards the finish. And at the end, amongst the sprawled bodies of the exhausted and the cup bearers handing out the sweet water of success they came to cross the final line, as each passed the cheers grew, the other clans, amazed at the vehemence of support could only look on as the I Run’s clan of warriors grew with each finish, and the noise that they created  grew ever more deafening, cheering each one home to the arms of their family as they finished their great trial, and finally there were those who had never run this test before, proving to themselves their capabilities where perhaps greater than they realised and as Caroline and Cristina completed the clans numbers it was evident that nobody was going to stop us now, because we were indeed having a good time.

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