Monday 26 March 2012

Back to work, Sunshine and a Sleeping Bike

Gods but I didn't want to get up this morning, the alarm went off at 5.30 am, which of course we all know is really still 4.30 am after the clocks went forward, and good resolutions flew out of the window. I happily hit snooze and snuggled down for five (make that fifteen) minutes more. Sadly, will power alone is insufficient to hold back the demands of a dog that needs walking and a day at work, not just a day at work either, the first day back after TWO weeks off!

It occurs to me if I could harness the will power utilised in wishing for it not to be time to get it up and translate it into training I'd be challenging the Alistair Brownlee  in September not just myself, but more of that later.

Shortly after tumbling into the shower I remembered that some idiot had booked training into my diary for 9 am, in York. Then as the water cleared the fog of sleep from my dozy brain, I realised I controlled the diary and therefore I was the idiot. I guess if the cap fits... Going back to work was made all the harder by the fact that with the start of BST, we seem to have summer, it won't last of course, British summers never do (apart from 1976 and that lasted at least 2 years according to my memory) It'll be warm this week, lull us into a false sense of security and then Bam! Snow for Easter, you just watch. Work worked despite my stupidity, made harder by the fact that the sun was shining outside all day and I was stuck inside for most of it, but hey, all bad things come to an end eventually.

I was good though, when I got home I took the dog out, got some shopping and then, with the temperature a balmy 19 degrees Celsius I went and ran. I ran the one and a half mile circuit and again managed it in 14 minutes, that means if I can keep the same pace up for 6km I will do it in 35 minutes, 5 minutes outside the guide given on the Tatton Triathlon site but I guess its a start. I find it more worrying that they reckon 20 minutes for the swim and 50 minutes for the bike. I haven't even managed to wake my bike up yet, let alone do 20 km in 50 minutes on it.

Shhh! Bike sleeping!

While I write this I'm listening to Neon Bible by Arcade Fire and have just discovered this rather wonderful site for you to play with that also plays the title track, click here for amazingness!

1 comment:

  1. My bike was woken up today for a ride round Rutland Water - first time since November, and it felt rather like it.
    And some friends are suggesting a walk which involves leaving home at 7 am on Thursday - that's a tad early for us retired people imo.
