Sunday 18 March 2012

Sunday 18th March - or do I really want to do this?

Well I did it, I discovered through careful research (prevarication) that there is a 1.5 mile obvious circuit around the block from my house and this morning at approximately 7.15 am I ran outdoors, on the road, for the first time in ages.

The Molly dog was unimpressed at being left behind, but perhaps wisely I decided that having my right arm ripped out of its socket every time she wanted to stop and squat (and believe me she does that far too much) was not the best idea in the world. Although I will admit that it did briefly cross my mind that a shoulder injury would prevent me from swimming...hmm I wonder?

The weather today, or at least at 7.15 am (did I mention it was 7.15 am on a Sunday morning?) was cold, not quite freezing but you could see the dew on the grass wasn't quite sure whether it should crystalize or not, but beautiful blue sky and no wind. Ideal! Yep, and bloomin' cold when your dressed in shorts and t shirt. Door locked behind me, ipod on loud (Stemm - Face The Pain seemed an appropriate choice) I set off, 14 minutes later (roughly) I was back, 1.5 miles run, breathing somewhat laboured, ready for a cup of tea. I guess this counts as the first step.

Next, a shower and a drive to wish my Mum the happiest of Mothers' Days!


  1. Good on you! Hope it all goes well. Nice piece of writing too.
