Tuesday 20 March 2012

I should start this by saying I have skinny legs, I don't just mean thing, I mean SKINNY! You know the stork that delivers Dumbo? Well I could have been a life model for the Disney artists when they drew him. I say this merely as a preamble to the fact that the thing preventing legs from being skinny is muscle, when over taxed, muscle aches, I have skinny legs ergo I have very little muscle in my legs, this being the case WHY DO MINE ACHE SO MUCH after one lousy 1.5 mile run? The whole of Monday they were shouting at me, rather loudly I might add, that I had abused them on Sunday and I'd better not do it again. I hadn't planned to, or at least not yesterday.

Yesterday I was visiting my God Parents (long over due) and enjoying a bit of countryside air. They are wonderful people, my Godmother would defend me to the hilt, even if it happened to be stuck in someone else's back and my fingerprints were all over it, my Godfather fascinates me with his knowledge of all things music and never lets me down with his diatribes about the Tory scum (his words) and the old fool on the throne (I think he meant the Queen). He describes himself as an Atheist, Socialist, Republican! But for me the sentence that will always sum him up is one he uttered about 35 years ago... Socialist maybe, Nazi never! (BTW Not quite sure how an atheist became my Godfather but I wouldn't change him for the world?)

All of this said I went and did the running stuff again this afternoon and again clocked 14 minutes for a mile and a half, I will admit to being somewhat hampered by a water bottle that would let any water out unless you shook it. Anyone who has ever drunk anything will be able to tell you that it is a most inefficient way of drinking, add running into the mix and the rehydration factor is about as effective as sunbathing nude in the Kalahari, but hey ho, I'll get that sorted I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Your godfather sounds like a man after my own heart, Peter! Hope your legs have recovered. Am enjoying reading this blog.
