Monday 23 July 2012

Eat Your Heart Out Team Sky...

Now admittedly on Saturday 21st July 2012 there were probably slightly more people thinking about the le Tour, Mr Wiggins’ sideburns and the maillot jaune than a small cycle track in Middlesbrough on Marton Road. However for those in the know Prissick Cycle Track was the only place to be! Mister Steven King Esq had gone to the trouble of organising a charity duathlon in aid of Teesside Hospice and a whole variety of individuals and teams from Patterclubbers to 7 year olds, Icycles to frighteningly serious looking club athletes had turned up to take advantage of his fine efforts (and the sunshine). (It should be noted at this point that Margaret, Peter & Julie were representing the I Runners, however as Peter wasn’t running Icycles seemed appropriate.)
Mr Steven King Esquire

An early arrival found said Mr King, and duck, looking slightly harassed. Actually Steve looked harassed; the duck looked, well like a duck! 

Apparently last minute changes to the categories had caused a lot of reworking of paperwork and a late night to boot. But all was well and the sun was shining. (Now I will probably mention that the sun was shining quite frequently as it has been quite an unusual occurrence so far this summer). But with the sunshine came the competitors,  43 starters in all, a combination of solo athletes, teams of two and a couple of teams of three. The route, a three(ish) Km run (once round the bike track and then off road around the park), then a 16 Km cycle (16 laps) and finished of with a 2(ish) Km run around the park. Soon everyone was assembled, assorted bikes on view (borrowed, bought and BMX), those of us that had borrowed bikes had a quick spin to make sure we could actually do it (they’re right, you never forget) and a quick lesson on changing gear, specifically changing down, which for me at least would be very necessary. A quick briefing and they were off...well most of them were off but a few didn’t realise and had to run a bit extra to catch up.                                                  

As the runners streamed off down the hill towards the back of the circuit, the remainder of the relay teams looked on, thankful that for a little while at least we didn’t have to do anything. As they came back up the hill, 1 km in we were even more thankful, it was very hot out there and the field had stretched out quite considerably. Never the less they stuck at it, streaming through transition and heading off to the park for the next two km. 11 minutes or so in the leaders where heading through transition, grabbing their bikes and setting off on the cycle leg. It should be pointed out at this point that a certain Harry Larkin, age 7, came through transition in 17 mins and got on his BMX(little wheels, knobbly tyres). Julie, the lead off woman for team Icycle came through shortly after and despite muddy legs and a certain glow around the cheeks (did I mention that despite the sunshine the park run leg was really rather marshy) successfully handed me the metaphorical baton and I was off on my bike. At this point I realised that I am not and will never be Bradley Wiggins, in fact I felt more akin to the little man on the motorised scooter at the front of the Kierin. But I pedalled hard, not hard enough though, the front runners were sweeping by me as if I were standing still. Then I reached the bottom turn on the circuit and I very nearly was. Now I know that Le Tour goes over the Alps and what have you, but I had to pedal up that hill 16 times before I was finished, it got so bad I took cheer from passing Harry and Lily (Lily Quinn – slightly bigger tyres than Harry, still on a mountain bike though).

Harry Larkin & Lily Quinn
future Olympians!

Then there was the problem of counting – 16 laps, my dear team mates helpfully shouted out the laps as I went past (although they admitted later to having missed me on at least one occasion) but after what seemed like an eternity I got to pass the torch to Ms Super Style herself, Margaret Myers, the third member of team Icycle and the one charged with bringing home the bacon. Now I’m fairly certain at this point that the winner had finished and several others too, but we carried on. Out round the park went Margaret, immaculate style as usual, eating up the ground as she went. All too soon we were shouting ourselves silly, cheering finishers over the line and saving a particularly big cheer for Margaret who of course finished in fine style. Team  Icycle finished in 1 hour 9 mins , 35 th position and shattered! There was still enough breath left to cheer Harry and Lily (future Olympians if ever there were any, mark my words) over the line in an amazing 1 hr 18 mins.

Barbara & Hilary bring "style" to the occasion
Breath caught, sandwiches eaten (thank you Barbara and Hilary, who may I say were not only colour coordinated but wearing union jack specs too) it was time for a “fun” Devil Take the Hindmost. (Basically everybody rides round the track and the last one each lap drops out), there was some concern on the starting line that the size of the field meant it would go on forever, so adjustments were made and more would drop out each lap. Your intrepid correspondent made it to the end of lap two, and to be honest was lucky to get that far. The big boys then made a proper race of it until there were two left for the final sprint finish. Frivolities over it was time for the prize giving and Steve’s hard work the night before meant that everybody was rewarded with a prize of some sort. Congratulations to everyone who took part from first to last it was a great effort. Over £500 was raised for Teesside Hospice and lots of people had lots of fun. Particular thanks to Steve King for organising what hopefully is the first of what will become and annual event.

          Team Icycle                                                                                                           Team 138

Photos courtesy of Karen Larkin

Tuesday 10 July 2012

They lull you into a false sense of security...and then they lie to you (Kilburn 7 8th July 2012)

 “Fast first mile, then stiff half mile climb before downhill through historic Coxwold, turning left at cross roads, some fast stretches before Bylands Abbey, turning left at the Abbey, a mile slog up to Oldstead with another climb from the village. The last two miles are undulating with very fast finish from the Kilburn sign to The Foresters.”

This innocuous paragraph is the route for the Kilburn 7 mile road race. Now various people had told me that this was a lovely race, a bit tough, but beautiful scenery and best of finishes at a pub. So I agreed, now I must stress, I agreed on the descriptions people gave me, I hadn’t seen the paragraph above at that point. But I’ll admit, I agreed. Sent of my money, got my race number and a piece of paper with various bits of information, including the route description.
I should have started to worry when I read it; “Stiff half mile climb” has a slightly worrying ring to it, “a mile slog” even more so. But my friends had told me it was a lovely run and you should trust your friends shouldn’t you?

Kilburn, for those of you that don’t know it is situated in Hambleton, North Yorkshire. It sits at the base of the Hambleton Hills and is overlooked by a giant white chalk horse to which it gives it name. The horse is situated on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, carved into the hillside and can be seen from miles around. Now I know how steep Sutton Bank is, I drive up it often enough. Caravans aren’t allowed up there, lorries regularly get stuck on it...its steep! Yet I didn’t give it a thought, my friends said it was a nice run and I trust my friends.

(The other less ominous bit of info about Kilburn is that was the home of Robert “Mousey” Thompson, a furniture maker from the early 20th Century, whose signature mouse can be found carved into furniture all over the world, including Westminster Abbey. There is a workshop and museum still in the village which is well worth visiting.)

The other thing that should be mentioned at this point is the British Summer, only Britain can have a hosepipe ban and floods at the same time. Last week it was the turn of the floods. To be honest the Friday before the race I was giving serious thought to taking my canoe, and yes, it was that bad! Thunder, lightening, lost power, we had it all and although Noah wasn’t quite sailing down the street, he was probably loosening the mooring ropes. To be honest, running in the rain is quite nice though, it cools you down and as long as you are road running it doesn’t cause too many problems. So when the forecast said it was going to be overcast with a chance of showers on Sunday I was ok with that. Like my friends, the weather forecast lied!

Sunday did indeed dawn overcast; however as we drove down to Kilburn the clouds started to lift, and the sun came out, and by the time we got there it was hot. Warm ups seemed a little superfluous given the temperature, but we duly did ours, and realised this was going to be an uncomfortable afternoon. Even the site of kids on Unicycles didn’t manage to completely dispel the rising sense of unease (don’t ask but they were called the Tholthorpe Jugglers). So with a feeling of impending doom we lined up at the start and we were off. Now the plan was 10 minute miles, quite a comfortable pace or so we thought, an alarmingly large number of people passed us on the “fast first mile” but we reassured ourselves that they’d pay for it later, and indeed some of them did, particularly when we hit the “stiff half mile climb”. I have to accept that it was half a mile, but it most certainly didn’t feel it. But the comfort was there were only three climbs on the route (read the route definitely only three), so this meant a third of the climbing was over and done with. It was notable that the “fast stretches before Bylands Abbey” never really materialised for us. Slow and steady wins the race though, or so they say. At the Abbey a welcome drink station, however it was situated at the foot of the “mile slog up to Oldstead”, this led to an interesting predicament, is it possible to run uphill, whilst drinking from a plastic cup and not inhale water through your nose. The answer appears to be no; so pouring it over your head is a much easier choice. This “mile slog up to Oldstead” by the way, was more akin to the North Face of the Eiger...but we ran up it, every... single...step! Now the next part of the route description was correct – there was indeed” another climb from the village”, indeed, it climbed and climbed and climbed. I should point out that the highlight of this climb was managing to pass the 70+ year old lady from Thirsk who was also running it; we have to take our victories where we find them!

And climbed!

And then we hit the “undulating” last two miles, think a series of hills one after another, it was like some demonic version of “Over the Sticks” without the wooden horses or the Wurlitzer music... Yet the mantra, downhill, fast finish, downhill, fast finished pulled us on and on – this 7 mile race seemed to be a little Tardisesque – i.e. more miles on the inside than on the outside!
Finally we hit the “very fast finish”, and in no time the joys of gravity took over, feet fairly flying we headed down towards the village, and the pub. To be met by a tractor with a silage tank on the back blocking the road, brakes on, sideways step, quick jog in place and we were by – stretching tired legs out into a semblance of a sprint to cross the line. We didn’t manage ten minute miles, well we might have managed one or two, but the grand total was slightly higher, no matter, we were finished, our legs could now wobble and fail us, we could be greeted by our loved ones and our friends (including the ones that lied) before making our way to the village hall for tea and sandwiches. How British is that? No medals or t shirts for us, but they put on a lovely plate of sarnies and a brew that tasted as good as any pint.

The run was over, my friends had lied to me, yet I found I didn’t care, something tells me I might be going back again next year.

PS the old lady was only 10 minutes behind me at the finish.

PPS According to a knowledgeable source, the name Kilburn is derived from Chilburn meaning cool/cold stream. Given the heat of the day there’s a certain irony in that.

Thursday 5 July 2012

The Pit Stop and the I Run Clan

It was a storm tossed night that the I Run clan set forth, not a night for the faint hearted, the rain had been coming down in torrents and the clouds loomed ominous and brooding all around as they approached their goal. Bereft of their leader, Rosanne, cruelly struck down by malaise days before the confrontation (some say by a congestion of the lungs, others nodded wisely and pointed to an excess  of pleasure in the capitol four days prior) this merry band of red clad warriors stoutly determined to do her proud. And surely the gods of running were smiling on their brave endeavour as approaching their final destination, the clouds parted and mother sun did her best to warm their bones in preparation for the trials ahead. Indeed, a rainbow heralded the start of the conflict; an omen some claimed later, that even nature looked favourably on their efforts.

The goal three laps, 10 kilometres in total, of the circuit known as Croft. Normally reserved for screaming chariots, tonight was a different race, sheer endurance, sweat and indeed tears would see the winners on this day. At the off the Clan rubbed shoulders with the elite of many other clans, it was spotted that not a few of the I Run Clans members were sporting other colours, no matter! We knew who they were, we knew they were of our blood and whatever colours they wore they were still of our kind. The start, too fast in the heat that now enveloped the scene, stretched out the ranks, leaving the elite, on wind fast feet pulling away, yet our doughty warriors stuck to their task. One foot in front of another, they determined to fulfil the task ahead .

Lap one, the clans fast scouts, Craig, Vinny and Megan spied out the land, keeping close eye on the opposition, protecting from the front and laying down the path for the rest to follow. Andy, determined, true, not far behind them – protecting their flanks  and forging the bridgehead for the standard bearers of Phil, Kenny and Steve,. And the rest of us ploughed on, by lap two, all determinedly battling our own inner demons, putting one foot in front of the other, challenging ourselves to keep going – Pauline, Alyson, the Julies and the Margarets all surged on – more and more of the clan, pounding the black tarmac into submission. Izzy without her faithful hound this night ran, as did Jen, Jennifer, Lucy, Kelly, Catherine and Bill, all proudly upholding the tradition of never give in.

By lap three the gaps were beginning to show, yet the brave I Runners never gave up. Determination and in some cases bright red running shoes kept them going, Kas, Maggie, Hamzah, Michelle and Judith each bearing the banner of the clan in front of them as they forced themselves to tread the final yards towards the finish. And at the end, amongst the sprawled bodies of the exhausted and the cup bearers handing out the sweet water of success they came to cross the final line, as each passed the cheers grew, the other clans, amazed at the vehemence of support could only look on as the I Run’s clan of warriors grew with each finish, and the noise that they created  grew ever more deafening, cheering each one home to the arms of their family as they finished their great trial, and finally there were those who had never run this test before, proving to themselves their capabilities where perhaps greater than they realised and as Caroline and Cristina completed the clans numbers it was evident that nobody was going to stop us now, because we were indeed having a good time.

Sunday 27 May 2012

What it's all about

Yesterday I ran the Albert Park Run, nothing unusual in that, I run it most Saturdays. Yesterday however was a little bit special for me. Nothing to do with my running though, in fact I didn't even manage to get within a minute of my own personal best. Not that I had a problem with that, it was my first run of the week and was a glorious scorching day. It was actually what happened about half an hour after I finished, more than forty five minutes after the winner had run through the line. I was talking to some friends when Rosie Lightfoot (the splendid lady who runs the I Run group on a Wednesday evening) finished her 5K (having run it alongside another lady to support & encourage her) and said that she was going round to catch up with Bill and Alec as Alec wanted to complete the 5K this week. Bill and Alec (father and son) also come to the I Run group and whilst Bill is a fine runner in his own right, he usually does the Park Run with Alec his son who isn't quite as able and needs Bill's support and encouragement. The volunteers manning the finish were happy to stay on and a small crowd at the café where also there to watch and cheer, about 15 minutes later this fabulous lady finished followed by Bill and Alec. (Photos by Karen Larkin) The cheering and applause in support of their effort was both long and loud and just reinforced the fact that I have been fortunate to discover a rather splendid community to be part of. This group of people who meet rain and shine on a Saturday morning and pound the paths of the Park show that, actually, running isn't just about fast times and winning, it's about supporting each other and encouraging each other to be the best they can. I think I shall be hanging around until the very end more often on Saturday mornings from now on.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

On why you should never let people take your picture as you cross the finish line.

I rest my case...

It has been too long since I wrote on here, not that I have been slacking, I have actually been running on average twice a week with a few extras thrown in. But life has a habit of being busy and keeping you away from things. Tonight, having got back from the I Run group at Hemlington (more on which later) I decided that I should catch up.

The day after the last blog was the Albert Park Run and obviously it was a good week, as I managed (somehow) to knock a minute off my personal best. Now this obviously is an achievement, some might even say a good achievement, but then when you stop and think about it its perhaps not quite as good. That amount of time off a PB means its going to be harder to beat it. There's a reason why the likes of Yelena Isinbayava break world records a centimetre at a time and it's not just because she gets money every time she does it. Small amounts are easier to better, so me knocking a whole minute off just made it harder for the next time. Sadly I didn't learn and two weeks later I reduced the time by a further 90 seconds, I really must stop trying.

Back to the picture at the top of the blog... this was taken as I staggered across the line at the end of the Tees Barrage 10K which was my first 10K race, I had aimed for under an hour and was pleased to get a few minutes under that coming in in 266th place, there were far nicer things to look at as we went round including the very lovely Infinity Bridge (look at the reflection and you'll see why it is called that).

Sadly I never got to thank the lady whose equally lovely bum made getting up one of the uphill stretches significantly easier.

I think I commented last time that I'm getting quite addicted to this stuff, to the extent I'm seriously considering putting in for The Karrimor Great Trail 10K in June. Just got to pluck up the courage to do it.

And that brings me to tonight, for the last few months I have been spending my Wednesday evenings with the most lovely group of people running in circles around Hemlington Lake. They really are an amazing group of delightfully normal yet exceptional people who make this whole running business an absolute joy. Tonight it had been suggested that, as a few people were getting a little bored with running round the lake, Craig (a really rather good club runner and generally top bloke) would lead a run out to Newham Grange Leisure Farm and around the 5 K trail there before returning to Hemlington lake, a total distance of about 10K. About half the group were up for the full run, the other half elected to drive to the farm park and join up for the 5K when they got there. It worked wonderfully, the weather was kind, the change of scenery was delightful and the run even had muddy puddles to splash through. What more could you ask for!

Friday 13 April 2012

Something may be wrong...I appear to be enjoying this way too much

After Saturdays shenanigans at the Park Run and then celebrating my fathers 72nd birthday with him on Sunday I sort of found myself feeling a little umphless on Monday. The deteriorating weather didn't help and an initial lack of enthusiasm probably added to an absence of umph too. But then I realised that it was still a Bank Holiday and that meant not only no work, but a four day week to boot! I wouldn't say that my umph came sprinting back down the road, but it certainly peeked round the corner.

Wednesday soon arrived and I was busy prevaricating with myself about the weather when  I got a text of my lovely friends, saying that both their daughters were back from France & Uni respectively, both were coming to the Hemlington run and did I fancy coming back to their place afterwards for a catch up and something to eat afterwards. Never let it be said that I would turn down free food and good company so despite the inclement weather (rain , lots of rain) I texted back saying thank you and yes!

Work finished and evening rolled around and sure enough it was raining as I drove over there. I should make a note at this point that it would be an ideal opportunity to mix two types of training, cycling and running, on the one evening. Sadly, they make me go to work and I just don't think there'd be quite enough time to get home, change and cycle back over there (whilst sorting out the Molly dog). Currently that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it. On arrival it became apparent that I wasn't the only one who had wrestled with their desire to come over their desire to remain dry (nb a small sense of satisfaction was experienced) as there where fewer than the week before. Indeed it was bad enough that Izzy commented that in all the time she'd been running at Hemlington, they had never actually run in the rain, this would be a first. But she was wrong, as we went out and started to warm up before setting off, the rain started to let up and the sun started to come out - it was significantly cooler for sure, but a lovely evening for running.

The speed merchants weren't there so as I made my round there was only one person in front of me, sadly he was so far in front of me that there was no incentive in trying to keep with him. But it was all good, except for the third lap, to be honest the third lap was bloody horrible, my legs felt as if they were full of concrete but with the added joy of short circuiting electrical cables running through them. It passed though, it's a strange thing running with a group, for me at least, I would have felt that I'd let them down if I'd stopped before I planned to. It's tosh of course, they wouldn't have minded, it's however far you wish to run, there is no target. But for me I'd decided I was going to do five laps, so if I stopped I'd have somehow cheated myself. Fortunately someone switched off the electric current running through my calves somewhere on the fourth lap, just about the same time as the concrete became malleable again. A storming (well slightly faster stumble) last lap brought me home in a time of about 39 minutes. Now having run 5 km on Saturday in about 28 minutes I was slightly disappointed in this, I had been told that the circuit was 1.1 km so 0.5 km more in an extra 11 minutes felt a bit bad. Then delight though, one of the gents who always does the run, told us authoritatively that the circuit we run is 1.4 km, therefore 5 laps is 7 km. 7 km in 39 minutes sounds so much better.

I find myself looking forward to Saturday and the Park Run again already... I appear to be enjoying this far too much, not only that but I appear to have signed up for a mini tri at Stockton in August as preparation for the Tatton Tri in September. I guess I really am going to have to get that bike out.

ps I think I run better without music...or perhaps Scooter was just a little to ambitious last time out...

Saturday 7 April 2012

Losing my virginity (in a park, in the rain)

This week has been horrendous, nothing to do with the training - that's been easy, I haven't done any! Unfortunately life interfered fairly majorly in the worst possible way and resulted in me not even trying to train (Although I'll admit to freezing conditions and rain earlier in the week reminding me that sunshine is my preferred element). Friday night, for a variety of reasons, made me realise I needed to take control back again and move forward.

All of this lead me to send a text to my friends Izzy & Andy saying that I would see them Saturday morning for the Albert Park Park Run. For those of you who haven't come across Park Run as a concept, it is an international, volunteer run 5 km run that is timed, free and open to all ages. Its run every Saturday throughout the year and includes people new to running as well as local club athletes who use it as part of their training regime.  There are something like 8,600 Park Runs run around the UK and 9,500 worldwide. The Albert Park run attracts such luminarys as Jo Jackson, Commonwealth Champion at the 20 km walk and multiple world record holder Sharon Gaytor (look at this woman's website, she is incredible and makes any petty efforts of my own look pitiful!).

So as I say, I committed myself to doing my first Park Run, part of the reason for sending the text was that it made not turning up on Saturday morning somewhat harder. Izzy's return text informed me that her and Andy were doing it in fancy dress to help raise money for the chosen charity Zoe's Place. I decided that losing my virginity in a public park whilst wearing fancy dress was possibly outside my comfort zone so said I'd just turn up in my normal running gear. Which I did. Walking across the park to the start at 8.30 this morning I realised a) that I really was going to do this, b) there were a lot of people there and c) it was bloody freezing and I didn't have any gloves. The route itself is fairly straight forward, a clockwise loop of quarter of the park, followed by two full laps of the park. Finish by the cafe alongside the Lake.

So we ran, Izzy in a wetsuit, Andy in a mariachi costume (no maracas disappointingly), a slightly overweight Capt Jack Sparrow, a significant number of bunny ears and a few other costumes as well as 200 or so others in a variety of running gear. I have decided I like running in a group, I seem to run better, it seems less difficult and although I don't do the conversation bit whilst running, there is a camaraderie about running round a Victorian park in the rain that is pleasing. Reflecting on it whilst soaking my legs in the bath afterwards, I think I'll do it again next week. I ran 5 km in 28.18 mins and felt comfortable, I was the 153rd man over the line and the 202nd runner over all, I have no idea how close to the back I was, but to be honest I don't care.

So I am no longer a Park Run virgin, guess I'll be doing the Hemlington Lake run on Wednesday next.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Running with a group for the first time

This evening a friend took me to meet a group of people who run every Wednesday evening. They are the Hemlington I Run group and provide a friendly environment with encouragement and gentle competition to run in. They meet at Hemlington Lake which has a path running around it that is about 1.1 km long. We were free to run however many laps we chose and could stop whenever we wanted. The group ranged from some speed merchants who disappeared into the wild blue yonder, to several who simply walked the laps. On every lap though there was someone  cheering you on with words of encouragement, a really lovely environment to run in. So my training tonight was 5 laps of the lake (about 5.5 km) in approximately 35 minutes, not too shabby considering it was 20 degrees Celsius, a tad warm for comfortable running and that I still haven't sorted out the rubbish water bottle situation.

Monday 26 March 2012

Back to work, Sunshine and a Sleeping Bike

Gods but I didn't want to get up this morning, the alarm went off at 5.30 am, which of course we all know is really still 4.30 am after the clocks went forward, and good resolutions flew out of the window. I happily hit snooze and snuggled down for five (make that fifteen) minutes more. Sadly, will power alone is insufficient to hold back the demands of a dog that needs walking and a day at work, not just a day at work either, the first day back after TWO weeks off!

It occurs to me if I could harness the will power utilised in wishing for it not to be time to get it up and translate it into training I'd be challenging the Alistair Brownlee  in September not just myself, but more of that later.

Shortly after tumbling into the shower I remembered that some idiot had booked training into my diary for 9 am, in York. Then as the water cleared the fog of sleep from my dozy brain, I realised I controlled the diary and therefore I was the idiot. I guess if the cap fits... Going back to work was made all the harder by the fact that with the start of BST, we seem to have summer, it won't last of course, British summers never do (apart from 1976 and that lasted at least 2 years according to my memory) It'll be warm this week, lull us into a false sense of security and then Bam! Snow for Easter, you just watch. Work worked despite my stupidity, made harder by the fact that the sun was shining outside all day and I was stuck inside for most of it, but hey, all bad things come to an end eventually.

I was good though, when I got home I took the dog out, got some shopping and then, with the temperature a balmy 19 degrees Celsius I went and ran. I ran the one and a half mile circuit and again managed it in 14 minutes, that means if I can keep the same pace up for 6km I will do it in 35 minutes, 5 minutes outside the guide given on the Tatton Triathlon site but I guess its a start. I find it more worrying that they reckon 20 minutes for the swim and 50 minutes for the bike. I haven't even managed to wake my bike up yet, let alone do 20 km in 50 minutes on it.

Shhh! Bike sleeping!

While I write this I'm listening to Neon Bible by Arcade Fire and have just discovered this rather wonderful site for you to play with that also plays the title track, click here for amazingness!

Sunday 25 March 2012

A detour to the South West

So early on and already the excuses start I hear you say, and indeed there is an excuse. The last few days have been taken up with a trip to Cornwall to see my daughter Fiona. I did give genuine consideration to taking my running stuff with me, but then the memory of the steepness of the hills in Falmouth made me decide that discretion was the better part of valour and indeed, cowardice was the better part of discretion. So on Thursday morning I set off to drive the 433 miles to Cornwall in glorious sunshine and sure enough on the edge of Bodmin Moor the heavens opened. Now I have been driving to and from Cornwall since the 80's and I can probably count on the fingers of one hand how many times I've driven across the Moor when it's not been raining! That said it eased off as I travelled West and by the time I reached Falmouth it was dry albeit overcast.

I stayed at the most splendid guest house I have ever come across (discovered on a previous visit). It's called the Moonlight Guest House, situated a few minutes from the harbour and run by Celia, a delightfully eccentric Spanish(?) lady who gives all the profit to children's educational charities and animal charities. I have been there twice now and I have never seen Celia wearing anything other than pyjamas, she is unfailingly helpful and friendly and an absolute delight!

My main reason for going down was to see my daughter perform in her final school production before she starts Uni, the production was called Our Town, by Thornton Wilder - a 1937 play set in a fictional New Hampshire town. Fiona had two small parts - "Artistic Lady" and "Dead Woman" - both speaking parts (yes the dead speak in this play) and the first role destined to gain the biggest laugh of the night and the only individual round of applause. As you can imagine I did the bursting with pride fatherly bit throughout, made all the better after the production by meeting a number of other parents who were fulsome in their praise of my little girl, not just regards to her acting but of her as a person too. Drinks with the cast after the play just ended the day perfectly, a midnight finish but well worth the tiredness.

Friday dawned beautifully sunny and the morning was spent wandering around Falmouth, enjoying the sunshine and admiring the boats. My daughter informs me I should buy one, get a parrot and become a pirate so she can come and spend holidays with me on the boat, not that bad an idea apart from the parrot to be fair. The afternoon was spent with Fiona, talking and catching up and then in the evening going for a very lovely meal. Sadly the end of Friday brought with it the end of my short break and Saturday morning brought the drive home... Ah well, back down to see her soon.

Oh btw, the running starts again tomorrow!

In the mean time this boat would make a very good Pirate's boat!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

I should start this by saying I have skinny legs, I don't just mean thing, I mean SKINNY! You know the stork that delivers Dumbo? Well I could have been a life model for the Disney artists when they drew him. I say this merely as a preamble to the fact that the thing preventing legs from being skinny is muscle, when over taxed, muscle aches, I have skinny legs ergo I have very little muscle in my legs, this being the case WHY DO MINE ACHE SO MUCH after one lousy 1.5 mile run? The whole of Monday they were shouting at me, rather loudly I might add, that I had abused them on Sunday and I'd better not do it again. I hadn't planned to, or at least not yesterday.

Yesterday I was visiting my God Parents (long over due) and enjoying a bit of countryside air. They are wonderful people, my Godmother would defend me to the hilt, even if it happened to be stuck in someone else's back and my fingerprints were all over it, my Godfather fascinates me with his knowledge of all things music and never lets me down with his diatribes about the Tory scum (his words) and the old fool on the throne (I think he meant the Queen). He describes himself as an Atheist, Socialist, Republican! But for me the sentence that will always sum him up is one he uttered about 35 years ago... Socialist maybe, Nazi never! (BTW Not quite sure how an atheist became my Godfather but I wouldn't change him for the world?)

All of this said I went and did the running stuff again this afternoon and again clocked 14 minutes for a mile and a half, I will admit to being somewhat hampered by a water bottle that would let any water out unless you shook it. Anyone who has ever drunk anything will be able to tell you that it is a most inefficient way of drinking, add running into the mix and the rehydration factor is about as effective as sunbathing nude in the Kalahari, but hey ho, I'll get that sorted I guess.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Sunday 18th March - or do I really want to do this?

Well I did it, I discovered through careful research (prevarication) that there is a 1.5 mile obvious circuit around the block from my house and this morning at approximately 7.15 am I ran outdoors, on the road, for the first time in ages.

The Molly dog was unimpressed at being left behind, but perhaps wisely I decided that having my right arm ripped out of its socket every time she wanted to stop and squat (and believe me she does that far too much) was not the best idea in the world. Although I will admit that it did briefly cross my mind that a shoulder injury would prevent me from swimming...hmm I wonder?

The weather today, or at least at 7.15 am (did I mention it was 7.15 am on a Sunday morning?) was cold, not quite freezing but you could see the dew on the grass wasn't quite sure whether it should crystalize or not, but beautiful blue sky and no wind. Ideal! Yep, and bloomin' cold when your dressed in shorts and t shirt. Door locked behind me, ipod on loud (Stemm - Face The Pain seemed an appropriate choice) I set off, 14 minutes later (roughly) I was back, 1.5 miles run, breathing somewhat laboured, ready for a cup of tea. I guess this counts as the first step.

Next, a shower and a drive to wish my Mum the happiest of Mothers' Days!

Saturday 17 March 2012

How it all began

Back in January a friend (or at least she is at the moment) suggested I joined her and her family doing the Tatton Triathalon. OK I thought, I'll give it a go, I've done a couple of half marathons, I can swim and we all know that you never forget how to ride a bike! Then on the 6th February I got the dreaded message via Facebook saying, and I quote "you are now entered for your first triathlon - keep up the training :) Expecting you for the weekend of the 8/9 september. love Tanya" at which point the terror set in. Since then I have had a raging chest infection, moved house, had a new tattoo, discovered my bike had perished inner tubes  and generally prevaricated, but now, I guess I'm going to have to start training properly. So I thought I'd record my progress here. I plan to take it steadily, the only sprint I'll be doing is in the distance of the tri. But it'll be fun to try and record what it feels like to get there...starting tomorrow ;o)